Драйверы фильтров файловой системы. Как установить бесплатный антивирус аваст Драйвер file system filter manager не запущен

Иногда ошибки filtermanager.dll и другие системные ошибки DLL могут быть связаны с проблемами в реестре Windows. Несколько программ может использовать файл filtermanager.dll, но когда эти программы удалены или изменены, иногда остаются "осиротевшие" (ошибочные) записи реестра DLL.

В принципе, это означает, что в то время как фактическая путь к файлу мог быть изменен, его неправильное бывшее расположение до сих пор записано в реестре Windows. Когда Windows пытается найти файл по этой некорректной ссылке (на расположение файлов на вашем компьютере), может возникнуть ошибка filtermanager.dll. Кроме того, заражение вредоносным ПО могло повредить записи реестра, связанные с Third-Party Application. Таким образом, эти поврежденные записи реестра DLL необходимо исправить, чтобы устранить проблему в корне.

Редактирование реестра Windows вручную с целью удаления содержащих ошибки ключей filtermanager.dll не рекомендуется, если вы не являетесь специалистом по обслуживанию ПК. Ошибки, допущенные при редактировании реестра, могут привести к неработоспособности вашего ПК и нанести непоправимый ущерб вашей операционной системе. На самом деле, даже одна запятая, поставленная не в том месте, может воспрепятствовать загрузке компьютера!

В связи с подобным риском мы настоятельно рекомендуем использовать надежные инструменты очистки реестра, такие как WinThruster (разработанный Microsoft Gold Certified Partner), чтобы просканировать и исправить любые проблемы, связанные с filtermanager.dll. Используя очистку реестра , вы сможете автоматизировать процесс поиска поврежденных записей реестра, ссылок на отсутствующие файлы (например, вызывающих ошибку filtermanager.dll) и нерабочих ссылок внутри реестра. Перед каждым сканированием автоматически создается резервная копия, позволяющая отменить любые изменения одним кликом и защищающая вас от возможного повреждения компьютера. Самое приятное, что устранение ошибок реестра может резко повысить скорость и производительность системы.

Предупреждение: Если вы не являетесь опытным пользователем ПК, мы НЕ рекомендуем редактирование реестра Windows вручную. Некорректное использование Редактора реестра может привести к серьезным проблемам и потребовать переустановки Windows. Мы не гарантируем, что неполадки, являющиеся результатом неправильного использования Редактора реестра, могут быть устранены. Вы пользуетесь Редактором реестра на свой страх и риск.

Перед тем, как вручную восстанавливать реестр Windows, необходимо создать резервную копию, экспортировав часть реестра, связанную с filtermanager.dll (например, Third-Party Application):

  1. Нажмите на кнопку Начать .
  2. Введите "command " в строке поиска... ПОКА НЕ НАЖИМАЙТЕ ENTER !
  3. Удерживая клавиши CTRL-Shift на клавиатуре, нажмите ENTER .
  4. Будет выведено диалоговое окно для доступа.
  5. Нажмите Да .
  6. Черный ящик открывается мигающим курсором.
  7. Введите "regedit " и нажмите ENTER .
  8. В Редакторе реестра выберите ключ, связанный с filtermanager.dll (например, Third-Party Application), для которого требуется создать резервную копию.
  9. В меню Файл выберите Экспорт .
  10. В списке Сохранить в выберите папку, в которую вы хотите сохранить резервную копию ключа Third-Party Application.
  11. В поле Имя файла введите название файла резервной копии, например "Third-Party Application резервная копия".
  12. Убедитесь, что в поле Диапазон экспорта выбрано значение Выбранная ветвь .
  13. Нажмите Сохранить .
  14. Файл будет сохранен с расширением.reg .
  15. Теперь у вас есть резервная копия записи реестра, связанной с filtermanager.dll.

Следующие шаги при ручном редактировании реестра не будут описаны в данной статье, так как с большой вероятностью могут привести к повреждению вашей системы. Если вы хотите получить больше информации о редактировании реестра вручную, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь со ссылками ниже.

Драйвер фильтра, занимающий в иерархии более высокий уровень, чем драйвер файловой системы, называется драйвером фильтра файловой системы (file system filter driver). (O драйверах фильтров см. главу 9.) Его способность видеть все запросы к файловой системе и при необходимости модифицировать или выполнять их, делает возможным создание таких приложений, как службы репликации удаленных файлов, шифрования файлов, резервного копирования и лицензирования. B любой коммерческий антивирусный сканер, проверяющий файлы на «лету», входит драйвер файловой системы, который перехватывает IRP-пакеты с командами IRP_MJ_CREATE, выдаваемыми при каждом открытии файла приложением. Прежде чем передать такой IRP драйверу файловой системы, которому адресована данная команда, антивирусный сканер проверяет открываемый файл на наличие вирусов. Если файл чист, антивирусный сканер передает IRP дальше по цепочке, но если файл заражен, сканер обращается к своему сервисному процессу для удаления или лечения этого файла. Если вылечить файл нельзя, драйвер фильтра отклоняет IRP (обычно с ошибкой «доступ запрещен»), чтобы вирус не смог активизироваться.

B этом разделе мы опишем работу двух специфических драйверов фильтров файловой системы: Filemon и System Restore. Filemon - утилита для мониторинга активности файловой системы (с сайта wwwsystntemals.com), используемая во многих экспериментах в этой книге, - является примером пассивного драйвера фильтра, который не модифицирует поток IRP между приложениями и драйверами файловой системы. System Restore (Восстановление системы) - функциональность, введенная в Windows XP, - использует драйвер фильтра файловой системы для наблюдения за изменениями в ключевых системных файлах и создает их резервные копии, чтобы эти файлы можно было возвращать в те состояния, которые были у них в моменты создания точек восстановления.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ B Windows XP Service Pack 2 и Windows Server 2003 включен Filesystem Filter Manager (\Windows\System32\Drivers\Fltmgr. sys) как часть модели «порт-минипорт» для драйверов фильтров файловой системы. Этот компонент будет доступен и для Windows 2000. Filesystem Filter Manager кардинально упрощает разработку драйверов фильтров, предоставляя интерфейс минипорт-драйверов фильтров к подсистеме ввода-вывода Windows, а также поддерживая сервисы для запроса имен файлов, подключения к томам и взаимодействия с другими фильтрами. Компании-разработчики, в том числе Microsoft, будут писать новые фильтры файловых систем на основе инфраструктуры, предоставляемой Filesystem Filter Manager, и переносить на нее существующие фильтры.

<= IRP_MJ_MAXIMUM_FUNCTION; ++i) { DriverObject->MajorFunction[i] = FsFilterDispatchPassThrough; } DriverObject->

// // Global data FAST_IO_DISPATCH g_fastIoDispatch = { sizeof(FAST_IO_DISPATCH), FsFilterFastIoCheckIfPossible, ... }; // // DriverEntry - Entry point of the driver NTSTATUS DriverEntry(__inout PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, __in PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath) { ... // // Set fast-io dispatch table. // DriverObject->

Setting driver unload routine

// // DriverEntry - Entry point of the driver NTSTATUS DriverEntry(__inout PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, __in PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath) { ... // // Set driver unload routine (debug purpose only). // DriverObject->

< numDevices; ++i) { FsFilterDetachFromDevice(devList[i]); ObDereferenceObject(devList[i]); } KeDelayExecutionThread(KernelMode, FALSE, &interval); } }


Dispatch pass-through

// // PassThrough IRP Handler NTSTATUS FsFilterDispatchPassThrough(__in PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, __in PIRP Irp) { PFSFILTER_DEVICE_EXTENSION pDevExt = (PFSFILTER_DEVICE_EXTENSION)DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; IoSkipCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); return IoCallDriver(pDevExt->

Dispatch create

// // IRP_MJ_CREATE IRP Handler NTSTATUS FsFilterDispatchCreate(__in PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, __in PIRP Irp) { PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp)->FileObject; DbgPrint("%wZ\n", &pFileObject->


// Macro to test if FAST_IO_DISPATCH handling routine is valid #define VALID_FAST_IO_DISPATCH_HANDLER(_FastIoDispatchPtr, _FieldName) \ (((_FastIoDispatchPtr) != NULL) && \ (((_FastIoDispatchPtr)->SizeOfFastIoDispatch) >= \ (FIELD_OFFSET(FAST_IO_DISPATCH, _FieldName) + sizeof(void *))) && \ ((_FastIoDispatchPtr)->_FieldName != NULL))

Fast I/O pass-through

BOOLEAN FsFilterFastIoQueryBasicInfo(__in PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, __in BOOLEAN Wait, __out PFILE_BASIC_INFORMATION Buffer, __out PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus, __in PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject) { // // Pass through logic for this type of Fast I/O // PDEVICE_OBJECT nextDeviceObject = ((PFSFILTER_DEVICE_EXTENSION) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension)->AttachedToDeviceObject; PFAST_IO_DISPATCH fastIoDispatch = nextDeviceObject->DriverObject ->FastIoDispatch; if (VALID_FAST_IO_DISPATCH_HANDLER(fastIoDispatch, FastIoQueryBasicInfo)) { return (fastIoDispatch->

Fast I/O detach device





void FsFilterDetachFromDevice(__in PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject) { PFSFILTER_DEVICE_EXTENSION pDevExt = (PFSFILTER_DEVICE_EXTENSION) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; IoDetachDevice(pDevExt->

// // Misc BOOLEAN FsFilterIsMyDeviceObject(__in PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject) { return DeviceObject->

Sources and makefile

Contents of the sources file:

The makefile is standard:

SC.EXE overview

Sc start FsFilter

Stop file system driver

Sc stop FsFilter

Sc delete FsFilter

Resulting script

Getting more advanced


In our tutorial, we"ve provided you with simple steps for creating a file system filter driver. We"ve shown how to install, start, stop, and uninstall a file system filter driver using the command line. Other file system filter driver issues have also been discussed. We"ve considered the file system device stack with attached filters and have discussed how to monitor debug output from the driver. You can use the resources in this article as a skeleton for developing your own file system filter driver and modify its behavior according to your needs.


  1. Content for File System or File System Filter Developers
  2. sfilter DDK sample

Hope you enjoyed our Windows driver development tutorial. Ready to hire an experienced team to work on your project like file system filter driver development? Just contact us and we will provide you all details!

This tutorial provides you with easy to understand steps for a simple file system filter driver development. The demo driver that we show you how to create prints names of open files to debug output.

This article is written for engineers with basic Windows device driver development experience as well as knowledge of C/C++. In addition, it could also be useful for people without a deep understanding of Windows driver development.

Written by:
Sergey Podobriy,
Leader of Driver Team

What is Windows file system filter driver?

A Windows file system filter driver is called during each file system I/O operation (create, read, write, rename, etc.). Therefore, it is able to modify the behavior of the file system. File system filter drivers are comparable to legacy drivers, although they require several special development steps. Security, backup, snapshot, and anti-viruse software uses such drivers.

Developing a Simple File System Filter Driver

Before starting development

First, in order to develop a file system filter driver, you need the IFS or WDK kit from the Microsoft website . You also have to set the %WINDDK% environment variable to the path, where you have installed the WDK/IFS kit.

Attention: Even the smallest error in a file system driver can cause BSOD or system instability.


File system filter driver entry

It is an access point for any driver, including for file system filter driver. The first thing we should do is store DriverObject as a global variable (we"ll use it later):

// // Global data PDRIVER_OBJECT g_fsFilterDriverObject = NULL; // // DriverEntry - Entry point of the driver NTSTATUS DriverEntry(__inout PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, __in PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG i = 0; //ASSERT(FALSE); // This will break to debugger // // Store our driver object. // g_fsFilterDriverObject = DriverObject; ... }

Setting the IRP dispatch table

The next step in developing a file system filter driver is populating the IRP dispatch table with function pointers to IRP handlers. We"ll have a generic pass-through IRP handler in our filer driver that sends requests further. We"ll also need a handler for IRP_MJ_CREATE to retrieve the names of open files. We"ll consider the implementation of IRP handlers later.

// // DriverEntry - Entry point of the driver NTSTATUS DriverEntry(__inout PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, __in PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath) { ... // // Initialize the driver object dispatch table. // for (i = 0; i <= IRP_MJ_MAXIMUM_FUNCTION; ++i) { DriverObject->MajorFunction[i] = FsFilterDispatchPassThrough; } DriverObject->MajorFunction = FsFilterDispatchCreate; ... }

Setting fast I/O dispatch table

File system filter driver requires fast I/O dispatch table. Not setting up this table would lead to the system crashing. Fast I/O is a different way to initiate I/O operations that"s faster than IRP. Fast I/O operations are always synchronous. If the fast I/O handler returns FALSE, then we cannot use fast I/O. In this case, IRP will be created.

// // Global data FAST_IO_DISPATCH g_fastIoDispatch = { sizeof(FAST_IO_DISPATCH), FsFilterFastIoCheckIfPossible, ... }; // // DriverEntry - Entry point of the driver NTSTATUS DriverEntry(__inout PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, __in PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath) { ... // // Set fast-io dispatch table. // DriverObject->FastIoDispatch = &g_fastIoDispatch; ... }

Registering notifications about file system changes

While developing a file system filter driver, we should register a notification about file system changes. It"s crucial to track if the file system is being activated or deactivated in order to perform attaching/detaching of our file system filter driver. Below you can see how to track file system changes.

// // DriverEntry - Entry point of the driver NTSTATUS DriverEntry(__inout PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, __in PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath) { ... // // Registered callback routine for file system changes. // status = IoRegisterFsRegistrationChange(DriverObject, FsFilterNotificationCallback); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return status; } ... }

Setting driver unload routine

The final part of the file system driver initialization is setting an unload routine. This routine will help you to load and unload your file system filter driver without needing to reboot. Nonetheless, this driver only truly becomes unloadable for debugging purposes, as it"s impossible to unload file system filters safely. It"s not recommended to perform unloading in production code.

// // DriverEntry - Entry point of the driver NTSTATUS DriverEntry(__inout PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, __in PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath) { ... // // Set driver unload routine (debug purpose only). // DriverObject->DriverUnload = FsFilterUnload; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }

File system driver unload implementation

The driver unload routine cleans up resources and deallocates them. The next step in file system driver development is unregistering the notification for file system changes.

// // Unload routine VOID FsFilterUnload(__in PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject) { ... // // Unregistered callback routine for file system changes. // IoUnregisterFsRegistrationChange(DriverObject, FsFilterNotificationCallback); ... }

After unregistering the notification, you should loop through created devices and detach and remove them. Then wait for five seconds until all outstanding IRPs have completed. Note that this is a debug-only solution. It works in the greater number of cases, but there"s no guarantee that it will work in all of them.

// // Unload routine VOID FsFilterUnload(__in PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject) { ... for (;;) { IoEnumerateDeviceObjectList(DriverObject, devList, sizeof(devList), &numDevices); if (0 == numDevices) { break; } numDevices = min(numDevices, RTL_NUMBER_OF(devList)); for (i = 0; i < numDevices; ++i) { FsFilterDetachFromDevice(devList[i]); ObDereferenceObject(devList[i]); } KeDelayExecutionThread(KernelMode, FALSE, &interval); } }


Dispatch pass-through

The only responsibility of this IRP handler is to pass requests on to the next driver. The next driver object is stored in our device extension.

// // PassThrough IRP Handler NTSTATUS FsFilterDispatchPassThrough(__in PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, __in PIRP Irp) { PFSFILTER_DEVICE_EXTENSION pDevExt = (PFSFILTER_DEVICE_EXTENSION)DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; IoSkipCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); return IoCallDriver(pDevExt->AttachedToDeviceObject, Irp); }

Dispatch create

Every file create operation invokes this IRP handler. After grabbing a filename from PFILE_OBJECT , we print it to the debug output. After that, we call the pass-through handler that we"ve described above. Notice that a valid file name exists in PFILE_OBJECT only until the file create operation is finished! There also exist relative opens as well as opens by id. In third-party resources, you can find more details about retrieving file names in those cases.

// // IRP_MJ_CREATE IRP Handler NTSTATUS FsFilterDispatchCreate(__in PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, __in PIRP Irp) { PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp)->FileObject; DbgPrint("%wZ\n", &pFileObject->FileName); return FsFilterDispatchPassThrough(DeviceObject, Irp); }


Since not all of the fast I/O routines should be implemented by the underlying file system, we have to test the validity of the fast I/O dispatch table for the next driver using the following macro:

// Macro to test if FAST_IO_DISPATCH handling routine is valid #define VALID_FAST_IO_DISPATCH_HANDLER(_FastIoDispatchPtr, _FieldName) \ (((_FastIoDispatchPtr) != NULL) && \ (((_FastIoDispatchPtr)->SizeOfFastIoDispatch) >= \ (FIELD_OFFSET(FAST_IO_DISPATCH, _FieldName) + sizeof(void *))) && \ ((_FastIoDispatchPtr)->_FieldName != NULL))

Fast I/O pass-through

Unlike IRP requests, passing through fast-IO requests requires a huge amount of code because each fast I/O function has its own set of parameters. Below you can find an example of a common pass-through function:

BOOLEAN FsFilterFastIoQueryBasicInfo(__in PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, __in BOOLEAN Wait, __out PFILE_BASIC_INFORMATION Buffer, __out PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus, __in PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject) { // // Pass through logic for this type of Fast I/O // PDEVICE_OBJECT nextDeviceObject = ((PFSFILTER_DEVICE_EXTENSION) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension)->AttachedToDeviceObject; PFAST_IO_DISPATCH fastIoDispatch = nextDeviceObject->DriverObject ->FastIoDispatch; if (VALID_FAST_IO_DISPATCH_HANDLER(fastIoDispatch, FastIoQueryBasicInfo)) { return (fastIoDispatch->FastIoQueryBasicInfo)(FileObject, Wait, Buffer, IoStatus, nextDeviceObject); } return FALSE; }

Fast I/O detach device

Detach device is a specific fast I/O request that we should handle without calling the next driver. We should delete our filter device after detaching it from the file system device stack. Below you can find example code demonstrating how to easily manage this request:

VOID FsFilterFastIoDetachDevice(__in PDEVICE_OBJECT SourceDevice, __in PDEVICE_OBJECT TargetDevice) { // // Detach from the file system"s volume device object. // IoDetachDevice(TargetDevice); IoDeleteDevice(SourceDevice); }


the common file system consists of control devices and volume devices. Volume devices are attached to the storage device stack. A control device is registered as a file system.

A callback is invoked for all active file systems each time a file system either registers or unregisters itself as active. This is a great place for attaching or detaching our file system filter device. When the file system activates itself, we attach to its control device (if not already attached) and enumerate its volume devices and attach to them too. While deactivating the file system, we examine its control device stack, find our device, and detach it. Detaching from file system volume devices is performed in the FsFilterFastIoDetachDevice routine that we described earlier.

// // This routine is invoked whenever a file system has either registered or // unregistered itself as an active file system. VOID FsFilterNotificationCallback(__in PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, __in BOOLEAN FsActive) { // // Handle attaching/detaching from the given file system. // if (FsActive) { FsFilterAttachToFileSystemDevice(DeviceObject); } else { FsFilterDetachFromFileSystemDevice(DeviceObject); } }


This file contains helper routines for attaching, detaching, and checking if our filter is already attached.


In order to attach, we need to call IoCreateDevice to create a new device object with device extension, and then propagate device object flags from the device object we are trying to attach to (DO_BUFFERED_IO, DO_DIRECT_IO, FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN). Then we call IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStackSafe in a loop with delay in case of failure. Our attachment request can fail if the device object has not finished initializating. This can happen if we try to mount the volume-only filter. After attaching, we save the “attached to” device object to the device extension and clear the DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING flag. Below you can see the device extension:



Detaching is rather simple. From the device extension, we get the device, that we attached to and then call IoDetachDevice and IoDeleteDevice.

void FsFilterDetachFromDevice(__in PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject) { PFSFILTER_DEVICE_EXTENSION pDevExt = (PFSFILTER_DEVICE_EXTENSION) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; IoDetachDevice(pDevExt->AttachedToDeviceObject); IoDeleteDevice(DeviceObject); }

Checking if our device is attached

To check if we are attached to a device or not, we have to iterate through the device stack using IoGetAttachedDeviceReference and IoGetLowerDeviceObject, then look for our device there. We can identify our device by comparing the device driver object with that of our driver one (g_fsFilterDriverObject).

// // Misc BOOLEAN FsFilterIsMyDeviceObject(__in PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject) { return DeviceObject->DriverObject == g_fsFilterDriverObject; }

Sources and makefile

The utility that builds the driver, uses sources and makefile files. These files contain project settings and source file names.

Contents of the sources file:

TARGETNAME = FsFilter TARGETPATH = obj TARGETTYPE = DRIVER DRIVERTYPE = FS SOURCES = \ Main.c \ IrpDispatch.c \ AttachDetach.c \ Notification.c \ FastIo.c

The makefile is standard:

Include $(NTMAKEENV)\makefile.def

MSVC makefile project build command line is:

Call $(WINDDK)\bin\setenv.bat $(WINDDK) chk wxp cd /d $(ProjectDir) build.exe –I

How To Install a File System Filter Driver

SC.EXE overview

We will use sc.exe (sc – service control) to manage our driver. We can use this command-line utility to query or modify the installed services database. It is shipped with Windows XP and higher, or you can find it in Windows SDK/DDK.

Install file system filter driver

To install the file system filter driver, call:

Sc create FsFilter type= filesys binPath= c:\FSFilter.sys

This will create a new service entry with the name FsFilter with a service type of filesystem and a binary path of c:\FsFilter.sys.

Start file system filter driver

To start the file system filter driver, call:

Sc start FsFilter

The FsFilter service will be started.

Stop file system driver

To stop the file system filter driver, call:

Sc stop FsFilter

The FsFilter service will be stopped.

Uninstall file system filter driver

To uninstall the file system filter driver, call:

Sc delete FsFilter

This command instructs the service manager to remove the service entry with the name FsFilter .

Resulting script

We can put all those commands into a single batch file to make driver testing easier. Below are the contents of our Install.cmd command file:

Sc create FsFilter type= filesys binPath= c:\FsFilter.sys sc start FsFilter pause sc stop FsFilter sc delete FsFilter pause

Running a Sample of the File System Filter Driver

Now we are going to show how the file system filter works. For this purpose, we will use Sysinternals DebugView for Windows to monitor debug output as well as OSR Device Tree to view devices and drivers.

First, let’s build the driver. After that, we"ll copy the resultant FsFilter.sys file and the Install.cmd script to the root of the C drive.

File system filter driver and the install script on the C drive.

Now we"ll run Install.cmd, which installs and starts the file system driver, and then waits for user input.

The file system filter driver has been successfully installed and started.

Now we should start the DebugView utility.

At last, we can see what files were opened! This means that our filter works. Now we should run the device tree utility and locate our driver there.

Our filter driver in the device tree.

There are various devices created by our driver. Let’s open the NTFS driver and take a look at the device tree:

Our filter is attached to NTFS.

We"re attached now. Let’s take a look at other file systems:

Our filter is also attached to other file systems.

Finally, we can press any key to continue our install script, stopping and uninstalling the driver.

Our file system filter driver has been stopped and uninstalled.

We can press F5 to refresh the device tree list:

Our filter devices are no longer in the device tree.

Our file system filter driver has disappeared and the system is running just as before.

Getting more advanced

The file system filter driver described above is very simple, and it lacks a number of functions, required for a common driver. The idea of this article was to show the easiest way to create a file system filter driver, which is why we described this simple and easy-to-understand development process. You can write an IRP_MJ_FILE_SYSTEM_CONTROL handler of your own to track newly arrived volumes.

Windows Filesystem Filter Manager or Windows File System Filter Manager is the process that installs with the system file extension of fltmgr.sys. This process is a core component of you Windows Operating System and should not be terminated, or disallowed from running every time Windows loads during startup. The file has the main responsibility of making certain that all the files that will be installed on the computer are stored in their rightful directories. If this file is missing or corrupt, the Blue Screen of Death will most likely appear; as experienced by users. In other instances, Windows will not load completely. Restarting alone does not solve the issue if the file is truly missing or cannot be located upon startup. The error will keep appearing until the problem has been fixed. The fltmgr.sys file that is compatible with Windows XP or Windows 7 has an approximate size of 124,800 bytes. The file is stored in the system directory of your Operating System.

How can I stop fltmgr.sys and should I?

Most non-system processes that are running can be stopped because they are not involved in running your operating system. fltmgr.sys . is used by Microsoft Windows , If you shut down fltmgr.sys , it will likely start again at a later time either after you restart your computer or after an application start. To stop fltmgr.sys , permanently you need to uninstall the application that runs this process which in this case is Microsoft Windows , from your system.

After uninstalling applications it is a good idea to scan you Windows registry for any left over traces of applications. Registry Reviver by ReviverSoft is a great tool for doing this.

Is this a virus or other security concern?

ReviverSoft Security Verdict

Please review fltmgr.sys and send me a notification once it has
been reviewed.

What is a process and how do they affect my computer?

A process usually a part of an installed application such as Microsoft Windows , or your operating system that is responsible for running in functions of that application. Some application require that they have processes running all the time so they can do things such as check for updates or notify you when you get an instant message. Some poorly written applications have many processes that run that may not be required and take up valuable processing power within your computer.

Is fltmgr.sys known to be bad for my computer"s performance?

We have not received any complaint about this process having higher than normal impact on PC performance. If you have had bad experiences with it please let us know in a comment below and we will investigate it further.